Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Chocolate therapy

Earlier today I seem to have inadvertently deleted my i-tunes off the computer after several aborted attempts to update it. Of course I can download the new software, and I guess I can re-download any music I need too. It is a pain, but this is not a post about my computer inadequacies (which are many).

After I realized what I had apparently done, I announced that I need a piece of chocolate to get over my trauma. Then I went and had a piece of chocolate. (A 50-calorie square of Endangered Species chocolate, to be exact.) It certainly didn't make any difference in my computer problems, and I don't even know that it was particularly soothing, but boy, did it taste good, and I did enjoy it.

Turning to chocolate in times of stress is such a universal response (at least on the part of women). I suppose it is unwise if one turns to excessive amounts chocolate--whole candy bars, bags of chocolate chips, pounds of chocolate, etc. (been there). But small amounts of very good, delicious chocolate are not harmful, and so many sources now say that chocolate is a good source of anti-oxidants. It also makes you feel good (scientifically established to produce the same kind of endorphins that falling in love does).

I try not to eat chocolate so regularly that it becomes a habit. I don't want to get to a place where I need and expect to eat chocolate every day. Like an addiction, I think that might lead to greater and greater amounts. But I do frequently treat myself to small portions of very dark chocolate, from 25 to 100 calories worth, and count that into my day's eating as I would a comparable amount of fruit. I savor every tiny bite--and I think I savor it more because I am not devouring great quantities.

It may not be the cure to computer woes, and it may not be Prince Charming waltzing in to sweep me off my feet, but as therapy goes, it's a pretty good substitute.

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