Sunday, November 4, 2007

Marathon Challenge

Today was the New York City Marathon. While thousands of brave runners were slogging away at their 26.2 miles, I ran my own mini-marathon, about one third the length of a full marathon. An eight or nine mile long run, or a half-marathon race, is pretty much long enough for me. I'm quite sure I don't want to run a full marathon. There's a tiny bit of me that wonders if I should--but mostly I know that I don't need to or really want to.

But I admire those who do. Like the runners in today's New York Marathon, or the participants in NOVA's Marathon Challenge, the subject of a show aired this last week on PBS. Don't fret about missing it, you can still watch it online, or eventually order the DVD.

The Marathon Challenge follows thirteen novice runners train for and eventually run in the Boston Marathon. In addition to following the progress of the runners, the program includes information on health and fitness that is relevant to anyone, not just runners. I enjoyed it thoroughly, and was quite choked up at the end! Sadly, the TV program is only an hour long (I would have liked to see more), but there is additional material on the website.

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